Julia Smith, Author at Linen Bazaar

Should I Dry Towels on High Heat ?

Should I Dry Towels on High Heat

When it comes to drying towels, many people wonder if high heat is the best option. While it can speed up the drying process and eliminate moisture, there are several factors to consider before tossing towels into the dryer on the highest setting. The type of fabric, drying efficiency, and the overall longevity of your … Read more

Guide to Choosing the Perfect Blanket Material for Every Season

Cozy Winter Blanket

Choosing the right blanket material is essential for comfort and warmth throughout the different seasons. This blog will explore various fabrics, their properties, and how they cater to different weather conditions and personal preferences. Understanding Blanket Materials 1. Cotton Cotton is a versatile fabric known for its breathability and moisture-wicking properties. It is an excellent … Read more

Do Hotels Charge for Missing Towels

high-quality hotel towels

Hook: Imagine checking out of your hotel, only to receive a surprising charge on your credit card statement days later. The charge? For missing towels. It might sound like an isolated incident, but the reality is that many hotels have policies in place for exactly this scenario. Why do hotels charge for missing towels, and … Read more

How Hotels Keep Towels White and Soft: Expert Tips

how do hotels keep towels white and soft

Discover the secrets behind hotels’ pristine white and soft towels. Learn expert tips on how hotels keep towels white and soft for a luxurious feel at home.